Get to know Joy Trinquet!


Meet Joy Trinquet! Senior Analyst, Smart Buildings at Verdantix!

Can you please introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your professional background and expertise?

I have been covering the smart building market and technology for more than four years covering a range of topics from BIM and architectural, engineering and design software solutions to building digital twins, master systems integrations and IWMS. I led the research and development of the Connected Portfolio Intelligence Platform concept at Verdantix in 2022 – reviewing how the IWMS market had been transformed over the past 20 years and looking into what’s next for the market.

What inspired you to work in your field or industry?

I’ve always been a huge tech-geek, I always wanted the newest piece of technology to play around with it and learn more about it. I’ve also always been interested in research and psychology, especially the impact that technology can have on humans and society. I discovered a job that allowed to me to research new technology and market trends in the smart building industry and fell head over heals for the industry. My favourite thing has been watching the market evolve from a desire to reduce real estate costs to a focus on enhancing the employee experience and hybrid working programmes.

What specific topics will you be covering in the webinar?

Over the past 20 years, the integrated workplace management system (IWMS) market has been transformed by new customer demands and technological advances, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile applications. In May 2022, Verdantix developed a new way of articulating this category transformation– a concept that should be fit for purpose for the next 20 years and that accounts for all the new technology, customer demand and innovation strategies in the market. Connected portfolio intelligence platforms (CPIPs) refer to IoT-enabled software offerings for real estate and building optimization. In this webinar, I will be covering the transformation of IWMS to CPIP and the implications of CPIP for software buyers.

What are the main key points or insights you plan to share during the webinar?

The IWMS market has continued to evolved to better meet new customer needs such as improving hybrid workplaces and employee experiences. In this webinar, I will briefly cover the evolution of IWMS platforms into connected portfolio intelligence platforms and then I will share some of the major components of CPIPS and the customer pain points that CPIPs will help

What are some common challenges or misconceptions related to the topics that you plan to address?

Firms today manage a multitude of siloed point solutions that have been implemented in a piecemeal fashion. This leads to complicated tech stacks with lots of API integrations that are cumbersome to maintain and siloed operations resulting in data inconsistencies and lack of user adoption. Connected portfolio intelligence platforms (CPIPs) aim to solve this problem by providing a platform from which to draw on data in whichever solutions they sit (such as via a data lake, warehouse or cloud), for use in the workflows running from the CPIP. CPIPs will also offer modularized, cloud-based platforms with out-of-the-box workflows to reduce customer pain points around time-to-value and software maintenance.